This blog, first and foremost, is an act of devotion to Artemis.
My journey through the woods with her began when I was 18, and a freshman in college. I was looking for a sign, and I came across a mother deer and her nursing baby on a walk through the woods. I continued to see deer for some time after that. However, it wasn't until I found myself face to face with a small altar statue of her that I realized I was definitely being called. Later that same night, I found a card that said "DEER: TRUST YOUR INSTINCTS." I thought I ought to listen.
It has occurred to me that the deer I continued to see might have been sent by another god or goddess- or might not have been signs at all. But since I began worshiping and working with Artemis, I have felt our bond grow stronger. And when I pulled away from her, she sent her deer to remind me of what we have.* It is, of course, my unverified personal gnosis that Artemis has sought me out, and there isn't a very clear way of verifying what I believe. I hesitate to use the word "patroness," though that is the sort of relationship I believe I have with her.
I'm not Greek. I do have Italian ancestry, but we're from northern Italy. So while Artemis has called to me, it's sometimes been more challenging to hear her. I've noticed that the stronger my ancestral ties to a deity or practice, the easier it is to worship and work with that deity or do that practice. Still, I believe that is it in fact Artemis who has sought me out, not any goddess with similar qualities from another culture. And I strive to learn as much about ancient Greek culture and religion as possible; my practice is modern, but my foundation is ancient.
My relationship with Artemis has led me many places. I found my passion, ancient history, by exploring my interest in ancient Greek religion. I decided to major in ancient studies, and I am now learning to read ancient Greek (Attic Greek, specifically). And I have been continuously challenged throughout the past year, as I've learned more about what it means to be one of her chosen.
So I write this blog for her.
*The story of how she interrupted me when I was making offerings to another goddess probably deserves its own post.
"...I just let one day move into two, and I'm losing everything except for you. I would sing you a song of devotion, that's what I should do..." - Indigo Girls
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